The Aldwick Bay Estate, a private development, has been maintained and managed since 1988 by elected Directors all of whom are residents. Under their guidance it has become a safe and secure place to live; crime levels are low and to date there have been a few minor incidents. In order to keep it this way, adherence to the Estate Rules and Covenants is paramount with residents and their visitors taking the responsibility for their own actions, property and possessions.
Security Measures
All residents are invited to be part of the Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) scheme coordinated by one of our residents who keeps in close touch with the police and the Board, circulating relevant information to those who sign up to join.
In addition, the Estate has a network of 15 Area Representatives who are the first point of contact between their allocated group of residents and the Board. Being close neighbours and looking out for each other, any suspicious behaviour and abnormal events can be reported quickly and shared with the necessary authorities, the NHW, other residents and the Board.
CCTV surveillance is deployed at the two main entrances to the estate and at other strategic locations. The A’Beckets Avenue vehicular entrance is controlled by key fob/telephone access which is restricted to residents only. All pedestrian entrances are gated.
Estate Rules require residents to park private vehicles on their own property. Whenever practical, the same applies to vehicles belonging to their visitors – friends, relatives and contractors alike. All cars belonging to residents should have an in-date Aldwick Bay Estate sticker on the window screen so that any vehicle parked “illegally” on Company property can be easily identified and appropriate action taken.
The effectiveness of the Estate security measures is under regular review by the Board, including the possible use of professional security staff to patrol and monitor security on the Estate.
Health & Safety
The Board manage the assets on behalf of the residents: roads, entrances, verges, paths, trees and miscellany such as seating, signage and bollards that are a feature of the Estate. It is their collective responsibility to ensure that residents, visitors and contractors can be safe on Company property.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommended guidelines are employed throughout the Company especially in the areas of Maintenance and Estate Management. The Company H&S Policy and rules are reviewed annually to ensure they are still accurate and meet the latest legislation.
The Directors walk as individuals around the Estate regularly and as a team, twice a year spotting hazards and assigning responsibility for corrective actions. This is supplemented by comments from residents and contractors, in particular the Estate gardeners, which are recorded and actioned accordingly.
Since many of the roads do not have pavements, the highest risk area is from vehicles ranging from cycles to lorries going about their daily business meeting pedestrians. The speed limit on the Estate is set at a maximum of 20mph and there are several speed humps and signage to make people aware. The residents and visitors when walking must play their part too by giving traffic due respect, use paths where they are available, keep young children under control and dogs must always be kept on leads. Please respect this speed limit and ask visitors to respect it also. There are an increasing number of children and pets using the road – do not endanger their lives.
Major road works are undertaken by professional contractors as are the maintenance of the A’Beckets auto gates and Estate grounds. All must have public liability insurance and observe good safety practices; write method statements, carry out the appropriate risk assessments, wear the correct PPE, use equipment/tools that are fit for purpose and most importantly, possess the appropriate qualifications to carry out their activities safely with regard to both themselves and those they impact. Some residents offer their services as volunteers to carry out simple breakdown and routine maintenance tasks under the guidance of the Maintenance Director. Each volunteer before carrying out work, must sign a Volunteers Agreement to provide them with cover under the Company Insurance. They also need to observe the same safety requirements as their professional counterparts.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility
October 2022